The month of dread.

It’s about this time every year that I start to go a little crazy. The whirring in my brain gets louder than normal and my patience with the dogs and children dwindles. Messes seem more pervasive and my waistline grows as if to taunt me with the ever approaching warm weather and the thought that I DEFINITELY won’t be able to wear my summer clothes from last year.

February in the Midwest is a month of desperation and despair. It’s a month where winter should be dwindling, but much like the dog days of August, it seems to gain a strange sense of glee in making it EXTRA of everything we’re sick of.

March is usually much the same. It’s cold, it’s dreary, and we still need winter coats. But. Somehow it goes quickly and despite the nasty temperatures, the lilacs develop buds. It’s like just the knowledge that spring will be arriving has brightened the life back into then outside world.

Not February though. Everyone is depressed, everyone is sick, everyone is bored, and you can’t stand to do your indoor activities you normally enjoy even one.more.time.

Work is harder than normal, and motivation is lacking.

So I’m giving myself some grace. The drama descending from every part of my life right now and from everyone else’s I have talked to as well? It will pass. Don’t worry about it. The little bit “more” of me that I’m desperate to get rid of? It will come off naturally as I am able to get outside to play with the kids, the dogs, to jog more often and to start gardening for the year. The crazy in my head? I’m going to step outside and deep breath, even though it’s freezing. I may only last a few minutes but it will clear my thoughts if only for a little while. The constant sickness in my household? Well… that shit isn’t going away just yet HAH but a girl can dream!

Only a couple more days left in this month of dread, and every day feels like a day closer to sunshine and happiness.