I love it here, I’m tired.

I’ve been in my new (old!) 1908 home for about 3 weeks now. I am desperate to be like “look what I’ve done!” but I’m basically slapping my own hand away from sharing because I NEED TO FINISH A THING! LITERALLY ANYTHING! I am my own worst enemy right now – doing so many things at once that not one is even close to done. Not only do I still have boxes all over the house, I still have boxes at my parents AND my in laws house that we have not picked up.

I feel like this is a lesson in here…. like focus… stick to one thing at a time… don’t bite off more than you can chew… yadda yadda yadda. I’m a clusterF – we all know this about me by now.

So what have I been up to (besides unpacking and yelling at my kids not to run on the stairs they have each fallen on multiple times – no lessons learned yet – and also to stop fighting?) All the things! Let’s do this!

Trying to figure out what in the hell style I want in this home. I keep flip flopping back and forth. I keep running into things that I need, then struggling with what KIND of thing that I need to get. If I was currently thrifting I’m sure It would make my life easier (as I just KNOW when I see something) but I have been totally consumed with getting settled and organized in this house so haven’t been doing my normal treasure hunting! Like do you see this CHAOS of a dual office?? HOW DO I MAKE A DUAL OFFICE LOOK ORGANIZED AND COHESIVE !?! arg. BTW anyone have recommendations on floor mats for chairs?

Going to parties and events. OMG there have been so many parties and events! I don’t know what it is about this time of year but we have (on average) 3+ different things in our schedule EACH weekend day. I hate bowing out of things but we can only make so much. That means no home projects have been getting done on weekends, SUCK! I am so ready for it to get colder out! SIDE NOTE! If we have been to one of your parties or events, it was lovely! If I hadn’t JUST moved I would be less of an asshole about this

Trying to shift the weather with my mind. High humidity, lots of bugs. I CAN AND WILL TURN IT DOWN! Did I mention I am ready for it to get colder out???

Painting kitchen cabinets and building my kitchen island! I have actually already finished this BUT we lost a piece of hardware on a drawer and haven’t installed hardware on the island so I’m not QUITE done. Cross your fingers for me I find the missing drawer handle! HOW DID I LOSE THAT?!? OH and speaking of kitchen islands! I scored BIG at Bed Bath & Beyond! I was there for other stuff, hit their furniture clearance section, and found four brand new in the box stools for the island for LESS than $100 for all 4. MEGA clearance. I can’t wait to get them built and up! I will do a whole before and after once the kitchen is done!

Trying to decide what to do with the weird ass hole in our yard that once had a trailer IN IT. This needs it’s own blog post. It will happen.

Finding and picking up my dream desk (Restoration Hardware HEAAAVVEEENNNN!) from super far away from a 1.7 million dollar home from a CEO! I now work on a multi millionaires desk! This makes me cool right? Tell me this makes me cool. But maybe not because the drawer fell out and got hit by cars on the way home with it. Sigh. I was cool for 10 seconds.

I’m also stripping the GIANT window in my foyer (is that the right word? The large room when you first come in the house??). I was anyway. I started, then got involved in the kitchen and stopped. I left the painters tape up though as means to keep me thinking about it. That might work to keep me from putting it off. Maybe.

I am trying to make my alley and yard less embarrassing. The weeds are BAD. I mean like no one weeded here in multiple years bad. and there is a lot of wood type garbage that got left here in the alley that we are slowly going through and putting out for the garbage men (those dudes are HEROES!) to take in reasonable amounts at a time. Once THAT is gone I can cut down a ton of trees that have randomly popped up that are in very inopportune spots.

Also school started. THANK GOD but also finding all the things for that has been a challenge. OY! BUT THEY’RE SO CUTE! AND NOW I CAN DRINK COFFEE IN PEACE!

There’s a lot more, and sooooon we will be starting with our Plaster Magic on the kitchen walls because THOSE are a HOT mess. The hottest mess, if you will.

Until next time my friends!

One Reply to “I love it here, I’m tired.”

  1. I love you and your new ( old) house adventures! I kind of feel like you have to just embrace that its going to be a shit show that you will make progress and find more work always that needs to be done. I will come help you ( when it’s not 100 degrees out) with a small project! #yougotthis!

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