DO THE THING. Or you know, not.

Do you ever want to do something… you hear about it or a thought pops into your head and you think “YEAH! That sounds AWESOME!” “I can TOTALLY do that!”

and then there are various things that happen depending on your personality and commitment to things:

1.)  FUCK YES I am going to buy ALL THE THINGS necessary to make this and it’s going to be super easy and amazing. But you lack the discipline to actually sit down and DO THE THING so the stuff sits forever as you move onto your next super awesome totally gonna happen but this time definitely  idea. Cough cough this is you mom.

2.) You get excited about the idea, but then you think about the fine print before jumping in… am I REALLY prepared to take this on? What if XYZ happens? You know what, I’m ok with that, I think I am willing to do the work! Then you actually see it through. This person is rare. If this is you, congratulations my friend!

3.) You immediately panic after getting excited. OMG WHAT IF I FAIL and I AM TOTALLY GOING TO FAIL and WHY DO I EVER HAVE IDEAS I’M TERRIBLE. FORGET IT TIME TO WATCH NETFLIX. My friend, you need a drink and a xanax.  Also your bitch ass is way more awesome that you think it is so STOP DOUBTING YOURSELF 😉

4.) Yep. DOING IT. Goes balls in. Then realizes… this shit is HARD. BYE FELICIA. This is the person who makes lots of announcements on social media….  and ya’ll are crazy if you think I’m calling anyone out on this one!

5.) That WOULD be awesome but you know what, I don’t think I’m up for it. For whatever reason the amount of work it would entail just seems arduous and I don’t think it’s for me. I’m going to keep looking for what I REALLY want to do!  GO GIRL! ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF AND WHAT YOU WANT!


You know… complete honesty here – I think we are ALL THESE PEOPLE at some point in our lives. Depending on our age, maturity level, what we have experienced, and just whether we have found our “thing.” I know I certainly have been.

I’ll never forget in high school when I was in theatre – we rehearsed every day after school, from 3-5 and 6-8 with that hour dinner break in there… and I heard so many times – WOW that is a LOT of time! What a lot of work.

and I NEVER felt that way. I adored rehearsal – every time I stepped into that theatre it was magic. In my bones, I felt alive, and that I was in the exact place that I was meant to be. I didn’t get along with many of the people I worked with but I didn’t care one bit. I was there for the theatre and the rest melted away.


That love, that passion is what life is about. If the work associated with something is a non issue – you are living the dream. FIND that thing. Whatever it takes, find it.

This is how I measure business ventures and make decisions in my adult life. If the work associated with something doesn’t make me cringe, you better damn well know I am going to see it through.  And if it does? I don’t do it. It doesn’t matter what it is or how lucrative it could be. I am here to enjoy my minutes and my hours,. I am here to be happy. And so are you. Listen to your gut. You owe it to yourself, your spouse, your kids, and your parents.

You want to know how this thought process started????? I was reading a book and though “Man, I write better than this. I should write a novel!  I love writing descriptors and opening paragraphs! But plot development. Research. FTHATSHIT AMICRAZY? HAVEILOSTMYMIND?” Nah I’m good, I’ll just stick to my blog.”

Back to my wine.